Nigel Harpur

Composer Musician Producer




Crafting tunes that dance across all music worlds.


Artfully weaving musical journeys and stories for you.



Compositions where melodies blend genres.


Music that creates stunning visual scenes in your mind.



Soundscapes that evoke emotions and memories.

Creative Fusion

Genre Alchemy

Experience a unique blend where classical meets funk, jazz fuses with rock, and more!

Composing Magic

Tailored musical pieces that perfectly capture the essence of your project or ‘whatever’.

Production Wizardry

Transforming musical ideas into audio masterpieces with cutting-edge production techniques.

Nigel is a gifted and accomplished multi-instrumentalist, musician and audio technician.

A perfectionist whose music sounds effortless regardless of the complexity. He weaves textures and melodies which are delivered with style and panache. Due to his wealth of musical knowledge and influences, his stylings straddle numerous genres but, crucially, always sound accessible. His love of his craft is evident both in the quality of his compositions and the production.

Philip Lewis-Jones

Get In Touch

Reach out to Nigel and start your musical voyage today!